Feeling Pains After

 Teeth Removal ?

Pain after  teeth removal is a common concern for those who undergo dental procedures.

It is not so much the pain during the procedure itself – because you are either numb or asleep and cannot feel the procedure because of anesthesia – but, rather, it is the pain that you feel when you go home and begin the healing process.

Pain After  teeth extraction
Having discomfort after any dental procedure is to be expected and it is especially so after having something like third molar extraction.
You can definitely expect to feel achiness and tenderness in your jaw for several days after the extraction is performed – this is just normal.
When it comes to handling  tooth removal pain, your dentist will likely prescribe you some sort of prescription painkiller for the first couple of days after the procedure.
These painkillers are usually Nimzolide, diclofenac sodium, diclofenac potassium, aceclofenac, etc.
It is just very important that you experience as little pain as possible during the first day or two after the procedure in order to speed along your healing but if you suffer pain for several days then you must visit your family dentist.
So initially having pain after surgery is normal but if it remains for several days this means there is something wrong.
There can be many reasons behind this pain, we’ll discuss them step by step read the complete article and stay tuned!
Pain After 3 days of  teeth Removal
Sometimes, Patients feel pain after 3 to 4 days of  teeth extraction, not only with  teeth but it can occur with any tooth extraction -but this pain loves teeth most.

Now the question arises, why does it occur?
       How does dry socket occur
Normally when the dentist performs this surgery bleeding occurs on pulling out of the tooth and after few minutes of extraction blood clot form there in the tooth socket or space created by extraction to stops the bleeding, but sometimes due to various reason like not following the preventive measures after extraction causes the dislodgment of this blood clot and result in a painful condition called dry socket, whose pain occur after 48 to 72 hour of extraction.
Pain can also be because of infection after  teeth removal.
The infection of the extraction sites is the second most common complication from this procedure. Since most people do not require stitches after the procedure is completed, the wound is left open.
When a wound is left open, it is more prone to collecting germs and bacteria and developing an infection.
You will know that you have an infection if you have continued swelling, pain, and tenderness at the extraction site as well as a bad aftertaste in your mouth for an extended period of time.
If these symptoms last for longer than a week, you need to contact your dentist for treatment.

 Teeth removal post op |A complete guide.
Headache after  teeth removal
Headaches are one of the less common side effects experienced after wisdom teeth removal. Some people experience them while others do not.
There are many things that cause headache after  teeth removal including:
Dehydration due to a reduced intake of water

. This may be because your mouth is feeling sore or because you do not want to interrupt the blood clotting process by drinking liquids.
Food caught in your gum where your tooth used to be. It has been reported that sometimes something as small as a grain of rice can get caught in the gum and aggravate a nerve which in turn causes headaches.

Lack of sleep brought on by pain in your mouth.
Muscle spasms as a result of having your teeth extracted.
It is possible you have a symptom known as Dry Socket which needs to be seen by your dentist immediately.


Jaw stiffness after  teeth extraction

Jaw stiffness usually lasts for roughly a week after surgery. The primary reason for jaw stiffness is that your jaw has been stretched open for an extended period of time and this causes trauma to your jaw muscles.
Once the jaw muscles have been damaged they stiffen and stop the mouth from opening too wide to prevent further injury.

If the jaw stiffness remains or is not improving after a week, then you should contact your doctor or dentist.

Jaw pain after  teeth removal

Jaw pain is closely related to jaw stiffness in that they are caused by the same thing. If you are experiencing pain along with the stiffness then do not try to open your mouth too wide and try to keep up the pain relief medication.

There are few remedies and exercises also to get relief from this pain, simply you can learn these tips by watching videos on youtube.

Ear pain after  teeth removal

The most likely cause of the ear pain after  teeth removal is that there are many nerves in and around your teeth and jaw which go up through your head and past your ears.

As you have had trauma in the area of the tooth extraction it is normal for the nerves to send pain signals to your brain. These pain signals invariably pass by your ear which can result in ear pain.

Nerves around ear

Ear pain is often caused by the patient biting down with force on something. This is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to eat tough, hard, or chewy foods in the days immediately following a wisdom tooth removal.

Another cause of ear pain after  teeth removal is an infection at the site of the extraction. Infection is less likely if your dental surgeon has prescribed antibiotics but there is still a possibility.

Despite ear pain being a common problem, if the pain becomes severe or gets worse than normal you should contact your doctor or dentist to ensure the pain is not caused by something else like an infection.

Bone spur after  teeth removal

It is possible that some of the pain after  teeth removal can be caused by bone spurs. A bone spur is a bone fragment, which is not normally problematic but can be quite painful.

When a  tooth is extracted it is possible that the bone bordering the tooth can be fractured. Most of these fractures will heal on their own, however, the patient will likely feel pain and discomfort at the site of the bone fragment.

If a bone fragment is still causing problems 2 weeks after extraction – contact your dentist and ask for further advice. It is possible they will remove it for you if they feel it will not heal on its own.

Treatment for Pain after wisdom teeth removal

One of the things you can do to alleviate the tooth extraction jaw pain is to get your doctor to write you a prescription for a painkiller, an over the counter pain reliever may also work just fine for you too.

Ultimately you will need to talk to your dentist to find the best method of reducing your post-surgical pain because there are different types of pain after wisdom teeth removal some of them we discussed above.

Now for the different types of pain, there are different treatments and managements available for example:

In the case of the dry socket first, we irrigate or wash the socket with saline to clean food debris, or other material if impacted into the socket.

Secondly, we medicate it and for medication we use Eugenol.

Eugenol is an analgesic. It has an ingredient that can easily relieve your pain with this dentist also use a local anesthetic solution, local anesthetic solution relives by anesthetized the socket.

For placing it into the socket we use a vehicle, so for that, the dentists mostly use zinc-oxide eugenol.

Apart from this we efficiently educate patients about what to do and what not to do after tooth removal surgery because care after surgery can highly reduce the chances of infection and dry socket.

Jaw pain after  teeth removal or jaw stiffness after wisdom teeth removal relief can come from using hot or cold compresses on your cheek.

This can offer inflammation relief which can take some of the pressure off the jaw and ease some of the pain.

The nice thing is that after the surgery the jaw pain will go away within a few days if not then you must visit your dentist as early as possible.

Ultimately you will need to talk to your dentist to find the best method of reducing your post-surgical pain.

Remember, if you feel pain even with your painkillers, you may be experiencing a complication like a dry socket and you should contact your dentist immediately to find out what the problem is.


  • Avoid touching the extraction sites with your tongue and your fingers. it can introduce germs and bacteria into the extraction sites and cause infection.

So, in order to speed up recovery and minimize pain, you should not touch the extraction sites with anything other than salt water and gauze.

  • Rinse mouth gently to avoid an accumulation of food debris and bacterias at the site of extraction.
  • Avoid using straw after tooth extraction, it can cause dislodgement of the clot and lead to dry socket.
  • Don’t smoke for a week after tooth extraction.
  •  Use cold things like ice cream to reduce inflammation around the extraction site.

Follow all the preventive measures and your dentist you’ll never need to read an article like this!.


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